
the company behind deskMate

deskMate is a product of Kivito GmbH

The company headquarter of Kivito GmbH is located in Stuttgart/Germany

Kivito office in Stuttgart



Patio Kivito office


We are one of the few manufacturers and providers of cloud desktop and cloud PC technologies in Europe. Unlike many other competitors, deskMate has been developed for multi-client use in the cloud and not just customised for the cloud. From our data centres in Frankfurt / Germany, Vint Hill / USA and Hong Kong, we offer cloud desktops, cloud PCs and virtual training computers according to the pay-as-you-use principle, which really anyone can manage and administer.

Our desktops are based on the unique and award-winning tocario trueDaaS technology. Thanks to the excellent user experience and simple administration, they are ideal for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as system houses, software companies and IT resellers.

Thanks to the minimal access requirements (HTML browser is sufficient) and our unique pool desktops, we offer training organizations and training companies a unique platform to present and deliver software training online.

Users who use deskMate annually
Qty Data Center

deskMate will be developed in Germany Software made in Germany Our company headquarters and support location is also Germany. As a German company, we are subject to the strict Privacy policys committed to the European Union.


Kivito – deskMate

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