Home office regulation: What’s coming and how to react to integrate employees in the home office

Press release on the Home Office Ordinance from 21.01.2021
The Home Office Ordinance obliges companies to send employees to work from home. With the new deskMate RDP Access Pools, they can also access the company IT infrastructure securely and flexibly from their private end devices without data leaving the company.
With its new product deskMate RDP Access Pools, the Stuttgart-based company Kivito is responding to the need for companies to offer employees home office workstations. According to recent media reports , the Home Office Ordinance also provides for an obligation to work from home under certain conditions, with companies facing severe fines if they fail to comply.
deskMate RDP Access Pools are aimed in particular at small and medium-sized companies. This means that employees can also securely access the company terminal server or company WIN10 PCs from private end devices. deskMate RDP Access Pools have several advantages over common VPN and RDP solutions. There is no need for a VPN connection for individual employees, and the home office networks are also strictly separated from the company network. This means that any malware on computers in the home office cannot cause any damage to the company network. The company data itself remains within the company at all times and is not stored on the employees’ computers.
The installation effort for company IT is minimal. No security-critical RDP or HTML ports need to be enabled in the company firewall, and no additional server hardware or software is required.
The deskMate RDP Access Pools are billed according to the pay-as-you-use approach per day of use and user. This means that costs are only incurred if employees actually connect via the system. A long-term contract commitment is not necessary, so that companies can react flexibly to changes in requirements.
As the solution can be implemented in a very short time, it is all the more suitable for companies that have to react now due to the impending home office regulation and must not lose sight of the company budget and corporate security.
The company has provided more information about deskMate RDP Access Pools on their homepage https://deskmate.cloud/rdp-access-pools/.