Do you have any questions? This way
If your question is not represented in our FAQ, please do not hesitate to contact us personally.
General questions
The "remoteapp" application is located in the control panel of the server operating system used by deskMate. To access it, please enter Control Panel in the search field at the bottom left of your virtual desktop and start the Control Panel. In the search field at the top left of the Control Panel, search for remote.
You should now see the following and can start the application as usual.
Yes, operation with several monitors is possible.
deskMate Cloud Desktops can work with Microsoft Active Directory, but AD is not mandatory. Outside of MS AD, it may be desired that a desktop logs on with a specific user immediately after restarting.
Dafür muss in der Windows Registry folgendes geändert werden:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Character string "DefaultUserName" -> User name
Character string "DefaultPassword" -> Password (If password is empty, simply leave it empty. However, the entry is necessary.)
String "AutoAdminLogon" -> 1
Here is an exemplary entry.
Yes. You can upgrade to a higher-quality desktop version at any time in the admin portal without reinstalling. After the next login, the features of the selected version will be available to you.
Depending on the Windows configuration, the system time may be inaccurate. In this case, the Windows timer should be changed.
In Windows XP/2003
Add /usepmtimer to the boot parameters in boot.ini. e.x.
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS=“Microsoft Windows XP Professional“ /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /usepmtimer
In Windows 2008/2008 R2/Vista/7
Use the bcdedit command to change the timer (you need a Windows console with administration rights)
bcdedit /set {default} USEPLATFORMCLOCK on
There are two different desktop views when using the deskMate Window Client:
- Window Mode
- Fullscreen Mode
By default, the deskMate Windows Client opens the Window Mode view. If you have ticked the "fullscreen" checkbox before opening, the client opens in fullscreen mode.
Within a session, you can switch from one mode to the other by leaving your mouse in the upper area of the deskMate window for approx. 5 seconds. A switching window appears and you can select the desired mode.
By default, the desktop connection is started in window mode.
This mode can be switched by moving the mouse to the top of the deskMate window and holding it there for a few seconds. A bar then appears with the corresponding options:
If you are using the Software Client under MacOS, you can achieve the same result by clicking on the green Maximize button.
Ja das geht und ist sehr einfach möglich. As an admin of your deskMate environment, go to the Administration/Desktopsarea. Here you select the desired desktop and after opening the Advanced dropdown you can create a template of this desktop in the Backup & Restore area which can also be made available by other desktops in your environment.
The download option is deactivated by default in IE. Die muss man einmalig aktivieren. This is very quick and easy.
In IE, please go to Settings (gear symbol) at the top right of the browser window and then select Internet Options.
In the "Security" tab, click the "Customize level......" button in the "Internet" zone
Scroll down to Downloads and select "Activate" under File download.
Please confirm the security notice and window with "OK".
Unlike its competitors, DeskMate provides a virtual x86 PC hardware on which all x86 operating systems and applications run. This includes legacy operating systems such as Windows XP, Windows 3.11 or even OS/2 and BSD.
Unlike other providers, deskMate does not provide you with a hardened environment, but offers you a virtual x86 PC with boot process as you know it from your physical PC/notebook. You can forward local CD/DVD/ISO images and thus install any x86 operating system yourself.
Users of the virtual desktop environment can install any software themselves without restrictions - provided that the administrator approves the user authorization. New software components are installed either via the local forwarded CD/DVD drive, an uploaded image file or by connecting existing network drives. It is even possible to upload software ISO images to a software repository and carry out installations directly from this.
If you already use a software distribution program, this can also be used to install programs on deskMate desktops.
With deskMate WebClient it is very easy to share your desktop with other users, for example to show the desktop or applications, or to work together on the desktop on an equal footing.
As with the WebClient, only an HTML5 browser is required. Software or plug-ins do not need to be installed.
deskMate knows two modes for desktop sharing
- View only: Read-only rights for invited users
- Full control: Volle Rechte parallel zum User des Desktops
To allow desktop sharing and invite users, simply click on the "Share" button in the deskMate task bar of the WebClient.
The "Share desktop" window now appears.
The corresponding share link can now be copied and distributed via chats, for example, or sent by email.
Please note: The function only becomes active when you confirm the blue "Share desktop" button. Ist die Funktion aktiv ist der „Share“ Button der deskMate task bar grün hinterlegt. The number of additional participants currently connected is also shown.
After opening the link, the invitee must enter his or her name and e-mail address.
By clicking the "Share" button of the deskMate task bar, the sharing user can see which people are currently looking at his desktop or can work with it.
Click "Stop sharing" to delete the function and disconnect any connected participants. The sharing links lose their validity and are regenerated when they are shared again.
Yes. You can start with us with just one desktop and then expand flexibly as your business requires.
In the cloud, we provide hardware with a high level of performance that is very different from the performance of a PC or laptop. Basically, any configuration is possible with virtual desktops. A large hardware configuration does not automatically lead to higher performance (speed).
Yes. Virtual desktops can be added, changed or extended in the online administration portal. Access or user rights can also be defined here and backups can be carried out.
Yes. Since each deskMate desktop virtually provides a dedicated x86 PC hardware, a different operating system can run on each deskMate desktop.
You can create templates, so-called golden images, using the integrated backup and template function. You can then quickly and easily roll out further desktops on this basis, all of which correspond exactly to your desired software and configuration status.
If you already use a software distribution program, this can also be used to install programs on deskMate desktops.
If the deskMate WebClient (i.e. via the browser) is used to access deskMate desktops, usually nothing needs to be considered. The necessary proxy server entry has already been made when setting up the browser.
If you still cannot access the deskMate desktops, your proxy server probably does not support websockets. You can test this with the following link:
If the deskMate native client is used, the tab "settings" and then "Network" must be called up before the first access. Hier müssen dann die Proxy Server Einträge gemacht werden. You will receive the data from the system administrator responsible for the company network.
If this does not lead to success, your company network is very restrictively secured. In this case, please pass on the following information to your system administrator. This person can then activate the accesses in the firewall.
The native software client will not work if a proxy is used which breaks the certificate chain for content/ssl inspection.
The native software client and the deskMate connection proxies communicate over a proprietary realtime protocol over TCP/443 which differs from HTTPS and must not be intercepted.
The web client uses a secure WebSocket connection (wss://) over TCP/443 to the deskMate connection proxies.
A company proxy must allow WebSockets and the HTTP protocol upgrade mechanism for this connection to work.
Following FQDNs/IPs could be whitelisted (TCP/443):
If you are using our data center in Germany: ( (
... (
If you are using our data center in Germany out from China:
If you are using our data center in Germany out from Asia and Australia:
(India, Hong Kong, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia)
If you are using our data center in Hong Kong: ( ( ( ( ( (
If you are using our data center in America: ( ( ( (
With this function, also called "Direct Printing", you can print directly from your deskMate desktop to your locally installed standard printer.
Prerequisite: the "trueDaaS Cloud Printer" must be installed as a printer. Diesen sehen Sie in der Liste der Drucker auf Ihrem deskMate Desktop.
This is how it works:
Immediately after you have printed a document with the "trueDaaS Cloud Printer" on your deskMate, a small window / dialog "trueDaaS CloudPrint Upload" appears and shows the status of the print job. If everything has worked, the window closes again immediately. If an error occurs, an error message is displayed. The very first time you use this function, you will be asked to enter a "Print API Key". The "Step-by-step instructions" explain in detail where you can get this.
If successful, the software client on your local device will be informed that a new print job is available. Depending on the setting, the local software client prints the document directly on the printer that is defined as the "default printer". If you select a different printer, you must first set the target printer as the default printer.
If you are connected via the HTML5 client, you can call up the print jobs via the small printer symbol in the bottom bar.
Step by step instructions:
- Print a document on the "trueDaaS Cloud Printer".
- If this is the first print job, you will be prompted to enter the "Print API Key":
- To get your "Print API Key", log in to the web portal and go to your desktop overview. Click on the printer icon on the desired desktop and then on "Show Print API Key":
- In this case, the "Print API Key" is: abcdef1234567
Each desktop has its own "Print API Key". - Enter this in the window and press "Print" or "Save":
- Pressing "Print" executes the print job directly and the "Print API Key" is also saved automatically.
If your deskMate environment is connected to your corporate network, you can access all file shares in the corporate network.
If there is no connection to the corporate network, any sync solution (such as Dropbox, Seafile or Box) can be used on the deskMate desktop.
In most cases of this problem, two DHCP servers are running which assign IP addresses in different subnets. On the one hand the DHCP server in the company network and on the other hand the DHCP server of the "Managed Router".
Suggested solution: Deactivate the DHCP function of the managed router. Then the virtual desktops also obtain their IP address from the DHCP server in the company network and all are in the same subnet. The virtual desktops should also be able to find the printers and connect to them.
Yes, this is possible with our native clients (WIN/LINUX/MAC). Your headset is passed through to the deskMate desktop. Unfortunately, this is not possible via our HTML 5 client due to the HTML 5 protocol.
A Cloud-Connection Box establishes a secure VPN connection between your deskMate environment and your corporate network. It is a hardware box and is pre-installed by us and integrated into your company network.
If you can establish a VPN connection with your company gateway, the Cloud-Connection Box is not required.
It is also possible to access deskMate via an rdp (remote desktop protocol) session.
Dazu muss Ihre deskMate Umgebung eingerichtet werden und das Betriebssystem Ihres deskMate desktops entsprechend konfiguriert werden.
Für die Einrichtung Ihrer deskMate Umgebung setzen Sie sich bitte mit unserem Support in Verbindung. Please note that additional costs may be incurred.
To configure the operating system of your deskMate desktop, please proceed as follows.
- Please log in as "Administrator" to the operating system of your deskMate desktop.
- Click on the magnifying glass at the bottom right of the Windows taskbar and search for "Show advanced system settings"
- Then switch to the "Remote" tab and then activate "Allow remote desktop connection with this computer" Please confirm the subsequent firewall exception rule.
- Users must now be created who are allowed to use the rdp service. To do this, please click on "Select user" in the "Remote tab" and add the relevant users. Administrators already have access.
Then confirm several times with OK.
The operating system of your deskMate desktop is now set up for access via rdp.
Due to the insecure rdp protocol, we recommend that you only use rdp within a VPN connection.
In companies in particular, access to the Internet is often restricted by proxy servers and firewalls.
We have minimized the conditions to access deskMate desktops as much as possible, but if access from the company network is not possible, please pass on the following requirements to the IT admin of your company.
The native software client will not work if a proxy is used which breaks the certificate chain for content/ssl inspection.
The native software client and the deskMate connection proxies communicate over a proprietary realtime protocol over TCP/443 which differs from HTTPS and must not be intercepted.
The web client uses a secure WebSocket connection (wss://) over TCP/443 to the deskMate connection proxies.
A company proxy must allow WebSockets and the HTTP protocol upgrade mechanism for this connection to work.
Following FQDNs/IPs could be whitelisted (TCP/443): ( (
... (
Sollten Sie die aktuelle Version von OnDrive ( ) installiert haben, diese jedoch nicht starten, dann versuchen Sie bitte folgendes.
- Please open the start menu and enter "gpedit.msc". Then click on the "Local Group Policy Editor".
- Search for the entry "/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/OneDrive" and disable the option "prevent the usage of onedrive for file storage". To do this, right-click on the entry and select "edit". A new window will open. You can now set the function to "disabled" here.
- Versuchen Sie jetzt, OneDrive manuell zu starten, indem Sie einen Doppelklick auf die Verknüpfung unter „%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe“ machen.
OneDrive should now start and appear in the task bar at the bottom right.
No, up-to-date PC hardware is not necessary. Your local PC only functions as an input and output device with deskMate. The computing power and the data are located in our data center. To access deskMate, all you need is an HTML5 browser or our Windows/Linux/MAC OS client.
A typical clerk's office workstation required a bandwidth of 128 Kbit/s. A GPRS connection is sufficient for mobile working.
Graphics-intensive applications require a higher bandwidth.
No. All you need to access your DeskMate environment is an HTML5 browser. Our WINDOWS / LINUX / MAC OS clients are used for USB and CD forwarding, automatic resolution adjustment and execution of applications (installers, scripts, ...), among other things.
Yes. You can access your deskMate environment via HTML5 browser as well as with our MAC OS client.
Since your deskMate desktop operating system and application run in our data center, you can continue to work seamlessly during a reconnect. D.h. bei einer Textverarbeitung z.B. genau an der Position an der Sie sich vor dem Verbindungsabbruch befunden haben. All started operations continue to run even without a connection to your desktop.
We offer several different options for printing.
- The integrated cloud printing functionality prints directly to the locally connected printer.
- If there is a VPN connection of the deskMate environment to the company network, it can also be printed on network printers in the office.
- Print jobs can also be printed via a locally connected USB printer when using our native SW client. As a deskMate Admin, you can of course also restrict USB access for each individual user or desktop.
- deskMate also works via external cloud printing tools such as ezeep (
- Printer manufacturers' own mobile printing tools such as ePrint can also be used to print from a deskMate desktop to a printer set up for this purpose.
We offer several different options for printing.
- The integrated cloud printing functionality prints directly to the locally connected printer.
- If there is a VPN connection of the deskMate environment to the company network, it can also be printed on network printers in the office.
- Print jobs can also be printed via a locally connected USB printer when using our native SW client. As a deskMate Admin, you can of course also restrict USB access for each individual user or desktop.
- deskMate also works via external cloud printing tools such as ezeep (
- Printer manufacturers' own mobile printing tools such as ePrint can also be used to print from a deskMate desktop to a printer set up for this purpose.
Yes. One option is to use the integrated VPN solution to connect your own deskMate network directly to your office network (Layer 2 network connection). All services are then also directly available to your deskMate desktops. These include DHCP, DNS server, Active Directory, LDAP, file and print services.
The free transfer volume of 40 GB (Starter model 20 GB) traffic per desktop is cumulated across all desktops that you have booked. This means that with 10 desktops in the Pro model, for example, you have a total of 400 GB of traffic per month at your disposal. However, if you use more than the total volume of your account, you will be charged €0.18 per GB of traffic in that month. Aus unserer Erfahrung erreichen Kunden das Traffic Limit nur durch große Up- oder Downloads.
If you have any further questions, please contact our sales department at
Yes, the option of two-factor authentication (SMS, e-mail, Google Authenticator, two-factor card) is included in deskMate at no extra charge.
Each desktop that we make available to you on a monthly basis will be invoiced. Unabhängig davon ob Zugriff erfolgt oder nicht.
Included are: the provision of the desktop, the operating system (optional) and the guaranteed availability of 99.95 % incl. Monitoring. In addition, your desktop image is backed up once a day in our data center.
Yes. If you are interested in a larger number of deskMate desktops, please contact our sales department at
Die Daten unserer europäischer Kunden werden ausschließlich in unserem ISO27001 zertifizierten Rechenzentrum in Frankfurt/Deutschland vorgehalten. In addition, deskMate Cloud Desktop environments can be hosted in our American data center in Vint Hill / Virginia or in our Asian data center in Hong Kong.
Yes, your data is secure. The data exchange takes place exclusively via encrypted connections, which at least comply with the recommendations of the BSI (Federal Office for Information Security).
The deskMate Desktop-as-a-Service technology was developed and implemented completely in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). If required, we can provide you with all documents for certification in accordance with the BDSG as well as a generally valid agreement for commissioned data processing (ADV).
If you are already using PC hard disk encryption software, this can also be used to encrypt the data on your DeskMate desktop.
Alle Daten werden auf hochredundanten Speichersystemen der Hersteller NetApp und Hewlett-Packard gespeichert. Your deskMate desktops are also backed up as an image every 12 hours. Sie haben darüber hinaus jederzeit die Möglichkeit, manuell ein Backup Ihrer Desktops zu erstellen und dieses selbständig wiederherzustellen.
Ja, der Nutzer oder Administrator kann die „Copy & Paste“ Funktion für einzelne Nutzer oder komplette Teams jederzeit beschränken.
Windows licensing
In general, any x86 operating system can run in our deskMate virtual desktops. However, the license terms of the operating system manufacturers specify which operating system we may provide.
deskMate bietet dir Microsoft WIN 10 Desktop Experience. This is provided by Windows Server 2019, which is also licensed by us to Microsoft when you select a Windows desktop.
If you would like to use your own Windows desktop licenses, you will also find the requirements for this in our FAQ.
Yes, since October 2022 you can also use your own Microsoft Office licenses for deskMate.
This applies to the following licenses with an active contract.
- Office 365 E3 /E5
- Microsoft 365 F3 / E3 / E5
- Microsoft 365 Business Premium
- Apps for Enterprise
However, you must inform us in advance that you wish to use your own licenses, as we charge Windows and Office license fees by default.
No, Microsoft licensing law generally prohibits the use of Windows OEM licenses in virtual environments. Please check our FAQ to see which Microsoft Windows licenses you are allowed to use.
Yes, since October 2022 you can also use your own Windows 10 licenses for deskMate.
This applies to the following licenses with an active contract.
- Microsoft 365 F3 / E3 / E5
- Microsoft 365 Business Premium
However, you must inform us in advance that you wish to use your own licenses, as we charge Windows license fees by default.
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