Service description and features

deskMate desktop-as-a-service Service description

deskMate is a Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution for the provision of virtual workstations (desktops and applications) from the data centers of Kivito GmbH. With deskMate, Kivito offers this technology directly to small and medium-sized companies, as well as system houses, software companies, IT resellers and training organizations. deskMate is available to resellers as a white label solution. The scope of the software includes the option to virtualize hardware, the provision and management of virtual workspace instances on the virtualization and the management of clients.


  • Any x86 operating system can be installed (Windows, Linux, BSD, DOS, …)
  • Desktop access independent of functioning operating system and its network settings
    • End user can start and shut down desktop at will
    • End user can install any application
    • (Authorizations can be controlled via trueDaaS ACLs and via OS settings)
  • Access possible from any end device
    • Software client for Windows, Linux and MacOS
    • WebClient (HTML5) for access via all current browsers. This is also optimized for mobile devices.
  • Admin/end customer self-service portal (end customer administrator can manage DaaS environment completely independently if desired)
  • Arbitrary mapping between users and desktops
  • Desktop sharing via WebClient: several people can look at the same desktop. Ideal for e.g. training and support.
  • Access ACLs per user/desktop
  • CD/DVD forwarding (controllable via ACLs)
  • USB forwarding (controllable via ACLs)
  • Clipboard forwarding (controllable via ACLs)
  • Cloud printing (controllable via ACLs)
  • Bidirectional audio support (due to browser restrictions, no microphone is supported in the WebClient)
  • Backup/template functionality
  • ISO Image Store
  • Each customer has their own Layer 2 customer network (separated by native VLANs) with their own firewall:
    • Firewall and Internet routing
    • Any configurable subnet and DHCP server
    • Port forwarding
    • OpenVPN Server
      • Config (OVPN) file can be generated directly via the portal
      • Hardware appliance (cloud connection box: can be purchased separately and is not covered by this contract) for direct network coupling of e.g. customer office with cloud network
        • This enables direct access from cloud desktops to services in the customer office, such as printers and file servers
  • Desktop boot visible and boot sequence freely selectable (HDD, CD/DVD, network/PXE)
  • Enables installation of any operating system
  • Enables the use of SCCM and other software distribution systems
  • Hard disk encryption possible
  • Active Directory Integration und SSO mit Cloud Desktop Benutzerkonten
  • Two-factor authentication (SMS, e-mail, Google Authenticator, two-factor card)
  • REST API for resellers and end customers
  • Included traffic volume 20GB/month. for STARTER desktops, 40GB/month. for all other desktop types. The available traffic volume of all desktops in a customer environment is viewed cumulatively. Additional volume is charged at 0.12 EUR/GB plus VAT. VAT invoiced
  • All deskMate Cloud Desktops (except STARTER Desktops) run in a highly secure, multi-redundant, clustered environment
  • Automatic image backup of all desktops. Retention period for backups 14 days (2 days for STARTER desktops)
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