Pool, environment, instances …. I only understand the station!

deskMate Training desktops are very simple, but the special terms can confuse newcomers a little. So here is a brief explanation for you.
We at deskMate now operate several deskMate installations on different continents. Such an installation is called an instance.
deskMate is a multi-tenant cloud solution. A customer environment is a customer. Equivalent to the classroom in training operations. Customer/classrooms are completely separate and have no connection to each other. For example, you can give one classroom access to the Internet and not the other. All of a customer’s desktops are connected to each other via a virtual network. A customer can actually have an infinite number of desktops and/or pools.
This is a persistent desktop. I.e. you can save data and shut down the desktop after restarting, the data will be there again. This desktop holds the training master. This looks exactly as the participants should see the desktop when the training starts.
Anyone thinking of a swimming pool is wrong. A pool holds the participants’ desktops. All desktops in a pool access the same read-only virtual hard disk. A pool has one active HDD and one inactive HDD. This allows you to create a new pool image while participants are still working on the pool.
Pool Desktop
Is the training desktop of each participant. Each participant has their own pool desktop. All pool desktops of a pool boot from the active read-only virtual hard disk of the pool. If the operating system, the participant or a program wants to write data back, this data is written to a delta file. Each pool desktop has its own delta file. If the pool desktop is shut down, its delta file is irrevocably deleted. This means that all data generated during the session is lost. A pool desktop should therefore only be shut down at the end of training. Important! A reboot does not delete the delta file.
If a shutdown pool desktop is restarted, it reboots from the active pool hard disk. A pool desktop therefore does not need to be replayed after training. One shutdown is sufficient.
If a backup is made of the Master_Desktop that is used to record other desktops or pools, this backup is called a template. A Master_Desktop can also be reloaded with one or even its template.
Admins can upload files and mount them on the desktops as CDs. See also https://deskmate.cloud/upload-von-dateien-zur-installation/ These files are called media or images.