Latency display – see where it hangs

Latency” (also known as ping ) is the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the end device to a server on the Internet and back to the end device. The ping time is measured in milliseconds (ms).
If participants report that the deskMate virtual training computer is slow, this is often due to high latency.
With the new latency display, you can quickly see the latency of a connected subscriber.
In the admin’s “Desktops” view, the header icon now not only shows whether the participant is connected, but also the participant’s latency.

The average latency of the last three minutes is always evaluated and displayed.
If a subscriber or group of subscribers suddenly has poorer latency, it is often because their local network (home office or company network) is overloaded, or the Internet provider they are using has problems.
Although the main factors of high latency are distance end device – data center and network congestion/interference, there are a few tips on how to improve latency.
● Avoids network overload. It is the main cause of sudden latency deterioration.
Uses wired network (LAN) instead of WLAN.
● If WLAN, then prefer the 5GHz instead of the 2.4GHz network.
● Position yourself as close as possible to the WLAN router.
● Avoid large uploads and downloads while you are connected to our remote training desktops.
● Deactivate VPN if possible, otherwise the traffic will also have to pass through the company network.
If you have any further questions, please contact our support team at