IP-Insider Award 2022 – deskMate nominated for the first time

There could be a real surprise this year. Your vote is needed.
As every year, Vogel-IT Medien called for readers to vote for the most popular manufacturers as part of the IT AWARDS.
But this year, in addition to the usual candidates, deskMate was nominated for the IP-Insider Readers Choice Award in the field of
Digital Workspace nominated.
Unlike most of its competitors, deskMate is not an American solution that is at best
with German services, but a DaaS virtualization technology developed and distributed in Germany.
If you believe that a mark should be made in the area of digital workspace in 2022, then vote for
deskMate as “Best of Provider” in the Digital Workspace category.
The survey will run until August 31, 2022. Click here or on the picture below to go to the survey.
The announcement and award ceremony will take place in October. We will keep you up to date.
Many thanks from Stuttgart for your support.