eLearning Journal rates deskMate’s virtual training computers “VERY GOOD”

The eLearning Journal tested deskMate’s virtual training computers as part of a product test and awarded them a “VERY GOOD” rating. The testers were particularly impressed by the trainer view, easy access and intuitive operation.
The eLearning Journal, the leading platform in the field of online further education, has tested the virtual training computers deskMate from the Stuttgart-based service provider Kivito as part of an extensive product test.
The test focused on usability for learners and trainers as well as the administration of the environment.
Laut den Testern können Trainingsunternehmen oder Organisationen mit deskMate schnell und unkompliziert eine virtuelle Lernumgebung bereitstellen. The virtual training computers behave like the physical computers in the training room for the trainees, but they are virtual and can be accessed from anywhere.
From an administrative point of view, deskMate is also very user-friendly. Einmal eingerichtet müssen im Vorfeld eines Trainings nur Start- und Endzeit gesetzt und die Einladungslinks an die Teilnehmer versendet werden. Thanks to the “pool desktops” used, it is irrelevant whether 3 or 30 learners are to receive a virtual training computer.

The testers were particularly positive about the “Trainer View”. This is a kind of bird’s eye view in which the trainers always have an overview of the participants’ desktops. Bei Bedarf kann sich der Trainer mit nur einem Klick auf die virtuellen Rechner der Teilnehmer aufschalten und direkt Hilfestellung geben. This contributes significantly to the success of online training in particular.
Ebenfalls untersucht wurde das Thema Sicherheit. deskMate verwendet aktuelle Verschlüsslungstechnologien und hostet die virtuellen Schulungsrechner im eigenen Rechenzentrum in Frankfurt. The virtual desktops are also completely separated from the students’ end devices in terms of network technology. D.h. es findet zwischen Endgerät und dem virtuellen Desktop kein Datenaustausch statt, außer ein entsprechender Datentransfer ist explizit gewünscht und von der Administration freigeschaltet.
This separation ensures that no malware gets from the virtual computer to the end device and vice versa.
Das Fazit der Produkttester fällt durchweg positiv aus. deskMate ‘s virtual training computers offer a simple and secure solution for software training in a protected environment that can be accessed from anywhere. This enables “learning by doing” and promotes sustainable learning success. With deskMate, Kivito GmbH has developed a solution that meets the needs of companies and learners at the same time.
Due to its positive features, deskMate was awarded the grade “Very good” by the eLearning Journal with a score of 88 points.
You can find the complete test report of the eLearning Journal at: