deskMate expands into Asia

Press report from April 2021
Stuttgart-based Kivito GmbH is now expanding its Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) service deskMate to Asia due to the continuing international demand for home office workstations and remote training.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic is already considered to be over in many Asian countries, the demand for home office workstations and remote training solutions is steadily increasing there. “The topic of remote training in particular is currently also being promoted at companies, as no face-to-face training is currently taking place and even where it would be possible, remote training is preferred,” says Kivito Managing Director Michael Kurz.
“Hong Kong as a data center location is ideal for our Asian customers due to its good Internet backbone connection and geographical location,” continues Michael Kurz.

The multi-redundant Tier III data center has a direct connection to the HKIX (Hong Kong Internet Exchange).
In addition to the data centers in Germany and the USA, Hong Kong is also operated as an independent entity. This ensures that data is only processed in the data center where it is generated.
deskMate Cloud Desktops and deskMate Cloud Training Desktops will be available to customers from the data center in Hong Kong from April.
Kivito GmbH not only operates the desktop-as-a-service service deskMate, but also develops the underlying virtualization technology. deskMate stands out from the competition thanks to its high level of user satisfaction and the quick and easy implementation of the solution. The easy accessibility via the web browser makes deskMate particularly interesting for the online training use case.