Upload files for installation

 In Training_Customers_en

If you want to install software on the Master Desktop, but Internet Access is switched to OFF there is another way you can upload and present files to a desktop.

The deskMate system automatically converts files < 500 MB into an ISO format that can be mounted to the desktops. Files >500 MB must be converted to ISO format before uploading. Tools for this can be found on the Internet.

As an admin, you can upload individual files in the admin area at „Desktops|Media/Images“. If you have more than one file that must be uploaded we recommend to pack them in a file (zip, rar, ….) before upload.

Once the file is uploaded (please do not forget the Reload List button) it can be selected in the Advanced menu of the running desktop in the „General“ submenu and presented to the desktop as a file in the CD drive.

There the „CD“ can also be „ejected“ again. The „CD“ is automatically ejected when the system is stopped.

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