Affiliate marketing or own distribution
deskmate cloud partner
As a deskMate Cloud Partner, you can quickly and easily add cloud desktops and virtual training computers to your product portfolio and thus increase your added value for your customers.
Choose from two partner models
Mediate and earn
Do you see areas of application with your customers and business contacts?
With our +Affiliate programme, you earn from every new deskMate customer you bring directly to us. This program is suitable for all consulting and technology companies that want to participate in the cloud or remote training market with little effort.
10% monthly return
Earn 10% per month on every desktop/training computer placed
Profit increase
Conveniently increase your monthly profit without losing focus on your core business
Tech expertise
Secure your position as a technology expert
Flexible partner models
A later upgrade to the Partner+Solutions model is possible at any time
Easy entry
We train you via webcasts and webinars so that you can teach deskMate optimally
Secure market share
With deskMate you can participate in the cloud market with little effort
Sales of DaaS under your brand
Are you an IT service provider and already supporting or advising customers in the IT infrastructure, training or workspace environment? With our +Solutions program, you can now offer your customers additional managed services relating to cloud hosted virtual desktops and virtual training environments.
Immediate start
As it is hosted by us, you can get started within a few days without any prior knowledge
Profit growth
Increase your profits with attractive margins and simple pricing models
Expand your offering with customer-oriented cloud solutions under your brand (white label option)
Innovative technology
Differentiate yourself from the competition by offering the latest cloud technologies
Software test option
Offer your customers the opportunity to test your software without installation.
Generate added value
Generate added value for your customers by adding your own services to deskMate.
Get started now
Are you ready for the cloud market?
Secure a position in the cloud market for your company. Increase sales and added value now with flexible partner models.