License servers with deskmate virtual training computers

 In Training_Customers_en

From time to time we are asked whether and how training desktops can access license servers.
Depending on the requirements of our training customers, there are several options.

1. License server is running in the deskMate environment.

1. License server is running in the deskMate environment

Another persistent desktop (similar to the master desktop) is set up in the environment. The required licensing software and licenses are installed here. This desktop runs during a training session and the participant desktop software retrieves a license from the license server.

2. The license server is located in the training company’s data center. (Version 1)

2. The license server is located in the training company’s data center.
(Version 1)

A VPN connection (network coupling) is set up via a router between the deskMate environment and the data center of the training company. The network routes are set in such a way that the participants‘ desktops reach the license server in the training company’s data center for license requests. Since the deskMate desktops are connected to the training customer’s network, other resources (e.g. shared workspaces, database servers, ….) can also be accessed in the training company’s network.

3. The license server is located in the training company’s data center. (Version )

3. The license server is located in the training company’s data center.
(Version 2)

Similar to variant 1, however, „only“ a VPN connection is established between the deskMate environment and the license server itself. A VPN client is installed on this, which ultimately establishes the VPN connection. The advantage here compared to variant 1 is that, as a rule, no settings need to be made on the router or the firewall of the training company. If the license server also provides network shares, these can also be accessed from the deskMate virtual training computers.

If you are planning to use a license server, simply contact our support team at or read more information on

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