How to use deskMate Remote Training Desktops in the most cost-effective way?

 In Training_Customers_en

Most of our remote training desktops are billed per day and have a monthly cap. Each training desktop is considered separately and every month anew. It will be checked again and again whether the billing on a daily basis or the monthly cap is the cheapest for the customer.

The best way to explain it is to give you a small example.

Above is an excerpt of a „Usage Report“. You will receive your monthly usage report by email along with your invoice.
Here you can see a pool training environment which was accessed by two users last month. The user p1_participant01 was connected to his desktop on seven days. Since the sum of the daily charges would be higher than the monthly cap, the cap is calculated here.
User p1_trainer was only connected to his desktop on one day. This is billed on a daily basis, since it is more favorable for the customer.

If you have several trainings in one calendar month (e.g. 1st and 3rd week) it is usually cheaper to use users/desktops several times than to choose different users/desktops for each training.

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