Persistent vs non-persistent desktop – part1
As a training organization, you know already the terms Master Desktop and Pool Desktop. Many also know that a Master Desktop is a persistent desktop and a Pool Desktop is a non-persistent one. [...]
As a training organization, you know already the terms Master Desktop and Pool Desktop. Many also know that a Master Desktop is a persistent desktop and a Pool Desktop is a non-persistent one. [...]
The requirements for a participant to connect to our deskMate remote training desktops via the browser are very low. Apart from the browser itself (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari,….), no [...]
You have to deploy golden images, or copy the images of master desktops to a pool? Then you should read on, because the new feature has been developed for exactly that reason. Previously, a [...]
Every training customer knows them. The Active HDD and the Inactive HDD. But why are there two, the normal desktop has only one HDD? Active HDD: As the name says, it is the active HDD. All [...]
Often customer asked us us where the difference is and when to use which of the two. Both are image backups which can be triggered by the customer. Backups can only be restored to the desktop on [...]
deskMate Training desktops are amazingly easy to use, but the special terms can confuse newcomers a bit. Therefore, here is a short explanation for you. Instance:We at deskMate now run several [...]
Especially in training environments, it may be desired that the deskMate Cloud Desktops automatically logs in with the correct user at startup. This way, the participant only needs to log in to [...]
You may have wondered what the difference is between the two users. Both users have the same admin rights. The first user created in a deskMate environment is the „Owner“ and this [...]
If you want to install software on the Master Desktop, but Internet Access is switched to OFF there is another way you can upload and present files to a desktop. The deskMate system automatically [...]
As a trainer you sometimes want to make the desktop of a participant visible to the other participants. For example, if the participant has a problem and the trainer wants to show the solution to [...]
Super, wir werden Ihre Desktops in unserem Rechenzentrum in USA für Sie hosten.
Erstellen Sie jetzt Ihr deskMate Kundenkonto. In Ihrem Kundenportal können Sie Ihren 10-Tage Test beginnen, oder direkt Desktops kaufen.
Super, wir werden Ihre Desktops in unserem Rechenzentrum in EUROPA für Sie hosten.
Erstellen Sie jetzt Ihr deskMate Kundenkonto. In Ihrem Kundenportal können Sie Ihren 10-Tage Test beginnen, oder direkt Desktops kaufen.
Dieser 2-minütige Live Test zeigt Ihnen wie schnell und einfach deskMate Cloud Desktops per Browser erreicht werden können.
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Unsere „STARTER“ Desktops und deren Test sind derzeit ausschließlich aus unserem Rechenzentrum in EUROPA erhältlich. „STARTER“ Desktops befinden sich auf dedizierten Host Servern und können aus lizenzrechtlichen Gründen leider nicht in „PRO“, „PREMIUM“ oder „EXCELLENCE“ Desktops umgewandelt oder in einer Kundenumgebung mit diesen gemischt werden.
Erstellen Sie jetzt Ihr deskMate Kundenkonto. In Ihrem Kundenportal können Sie Ihren 10-Tage „STARTER“ Desktop Test beginnen, oder direkt Desktops kaufen.
Erstellen Sie jetzt Ihr deskMate Kundenkonto. In Ihrem Kundenportal können Sie Ihren 10-Tage Test beginnen, oder direkt Desktops kaufen.