WannaCry: deskMate customer gets off lightly.

Over 200,000 computers worldwide are affected by the largest cyberattack. If a computer is infected with the virus, even specialists from the BSI advise a time-consuming complete reinstallation.
One of our deskMate customers was also affected by the virus, but the outage was limited compared to other affected companies (e.g. Deutsche Bahn). deskMate desktops are automatically backed up twice a day in the data center. These backups could be used to restore the affected desktops completely within an hour.
Even customers with traditional end devices can use deskMate to create a desktop disas-
recovery strategy simply and cost-effectively.
Conclusion: Anyone who thinks they are protected against attacks like WannaCry is acting negligently. You can only limit the risk with up-to-date virus programs and software patches. If you are affected, Desktop-as-a-Service customers can restore backups at data center speed or continue working on desktops in the data center thanks to a disaster recovery strategy.