The next big thing – deskMate Trainer View

A feature that many of you have been waiting for is now available free of charge. The Supervisor/Trainer View is the ideal addition to your virtual training courses.
It enables admins, supervisors and trainers to monitor the desktops of the users/participants assigned to them at a glance.

From the “bird’s eye view” you can see what the users are currently working on. A screen dump of all participant desktops is presented to the supervisor/trainer every 10 seconds. You can also see who is currently connected to the desktop and who is not. Individual or multiple desktops can be displayed using a filter. The zoom function can be used to zoom in more precisely. As usual, the supervisor/trainer can connect to the participant’s desktop with a single click.
If necessary, the desktop can also be stopped or restarted.
The Supervisor View can be found at the top right of the deskMate portal next to My desktops.
With the deskMate Supervisor/Trainer View, your virtual trainings reach a new level that would not be possible even with trainings in the training center. This means you can easily monitor the progress of all participants and provide support at an early stage if problems arise.
You can also find more information on our website
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