Supervisor/trainer sees all groups

As already shown here in an article, a supervisor/trainer sees all desktops of the group to which he/she is assigned. This makes it very easy to include all participants in the preparation. Assign supervisor/trainer to a group and it is guaranteed that the lecturer in the supervisor/trainer can see the desktops of the participants.
However, sometimes it is also desired that the supervisor/trainer should see the desktops of ALL groups. Dies ist mit unserer neuen Funktion für die Rolle Supervisor nun möglich.
If the Supervisor role is defined for a user, the option “Allow access to all user groups” can be activated in the edit user screen.

If the option is activated, the user can select all groups in the environment in the supervisor/trainer view.

Please note: A user with the “Admin” role can generally see all groups in the environment in the supervisor/trainer view. This is why the above option cannot be selected for this user role.
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