Persistent versus non-persistent desktop – Part 2

In Part 1, we discussed the Persistent Desktop and the fact that it can also be used as a Master Desktop or license server. Now it’s about the non-persistent desktop which is used by deskMate as a pool desktop.
Non-persistent desktops behave like a normal desktop for the user during operation (the operating system is started). If the desktop is terminated/stopped (i.e. the operating system is shut down), all data generated or saved during operation is deleted.
Important to know:
The delta file is NOT deleted during a reboot, i.e. the pool desktop still has all the changed data.

Our desktops of a pool all start from the active HDD of the pool, a “read only” image. If data is written back during operation, it is written to a delta file of each desktop. When a pool desktop is closed/stopped, its delta file is deleted. When restarting, the desktop starts fresh from the pool image.
A Pool Desktop does not need to be prepared for a new training session after a training session. Simply shut down the desktop after finishing the training session or, even better, let it shut down and the desktop is ready for the next training session.
Pool desktops are billed on a daily basis and only when a user is actually connected to the desktop.
If you missed part 1 (persistent desktop), you can find it here.