May we introduce? Our new “Trainer User”

Some of you will have already discovered them. The new deskMate user role Supervisor/Trainer.
This user role was introduced together with the Trainer View. The supervisor/trainer has all the necessary rights that a trainer needs to monitor the participants’ desktops during virtual training sessions, to connect to them and also to stop or reboot them.

The supervisor/trainer uses the new Trainer View to monitor the desktops. The admin of the environment can define which pool or desktop group he can see and monitor. This means that each trainer only sees the desktops of their training sessions. The supervisor/trainer has no admin rights, so trainers from outside the company (e.g. freelance trainers) can also use this user level without being able to change the environment settings.
With the new “Supervisor/Trainer” user, you are also able to make your training environment available to freelancers, external partners or customers so that they can hold your training courses.
An admin of the environment or the training organization can make any user (including other admins) a supervisor/trainer. You can find more details in our current manual.
If you have any further questions or need the latest manual, please contact our support team at