deskMate goes Fullscreen

Today we would like to introduce you to a small but nice innovation. The deskMate taskbar of our virtual training computers can now be hidden. This allows you to use the same resolution in full screen mode of the browser in the deskMate desktop as on your screen. This also worked before, but the taskbar has the max. The height of the desktop to be displayed was reduced, causing the displayed desktop to become blurred due to scaling.
Making the taskbar disappear and entering full screen mode is very easy. In the “View” menu in the deskMate taskbar you will find a menu item “Hide deskMate bar”

Klickt ihr auf diesen verschwindet die Taskleiste und rechts am Bildschirmrand erscheint eine Schaltfläche die ihr nach oben und unten bewegen könnt. In this button you can then switch your local browser to the full screen (and back again), or show the taskbar again.

TIP: Full screen mode is ideal if your participants have two monitors, with Teams, Webex, Zoom,… running on one and deskMate on the other.
You can also find more information about deskMate virtual training computers on our website
If you still have questions, please contact our support team at