deskMate doubles capacity in Asia due to remote training

Less than 6 months after opening a deskMate environment in Hong Kong, it is being massively expanded.
This is due to the Remote Training division, which has become the main driver of expansion in Asia within just a few months. “We had expected business in Asia to get off to a very good start, but the fact that it is going so well is beyond our wildest dreams,” says Managing Director Michael Kurz. “Even after the pandemic, the focus there is fully on online, remote and blended training.”

Especially practice-intensive software trainings can be mapped very well with deskMate Cloud Training Desktops. The training company’s software environment to be practiced runs on the cloud training desktops in the deskMate data center. Participants only need a browser to access it. It is not necessary to install software or plug-ins on the participants’ end devices.
Thanks to the patented deskMate trueDaas technology, any software can be installed on the Cloud Training Desktops. The simple administration is also carried out via the web browser.
A free test environment is made available to interested parties in the training environment.
More information can be found at