Automatic shutdown of pool desktops at the end of training

It was desired by many. The automatic shutdown of pool desktops after the end of training. We have even gone one better with our new customer attribute “pool_cleanup_user_lock”.
If this attribute is set, the following happens:
- If a “Lock time” is set and this is reached, the pool desktops of the corresponding users are shut down
- If a “Lock time” is set and this is reached, a subscriber who is still connected is disconnected and logged out of the system.
- If a “Lock time” is set, the inactivity time is overridden.
This means that pool desktops no longer need to be shut down manually after a training session. The inactivity time also no longer needs to be readjusted if there are longer intervals between training days (e.g. due to public holidays).
The “pool_cleanup_user_lock” customer attribute can be activated by us for each classroom and is then immediately available. Just let us know if you want us to activate this attribute for you.